Oncology Nurse Navigators
From diagnosis to survivorship, Main Line Health provides supportive care through all stages of cancer treatment for you and your loved ones. We're dedicated to helping our neighbors with kindness, compassion and high-quality treatment.

Meet our navigators
Lankenau Medical Center
Sharon Brogan, RN, BSN, OCN
(Gynecologic, Lung)
484.476.6239 | brogans@mlhs.org
Fran Donohue, RN, BSN
484.476.8180 | donohuef@mlhs.org
Kelli Gale, RN, BSN, PCCN
484.476.3168 | galek@mlhs.org
Catherine Kime, RN, BSN, OCN, CMSRN
(Medical Oncology)
484.476.2431 | kimec@mlhs.org
Stephanie McAndrews, RN, MSN
484.476.1426 | mcandrewss@mlhs.org
Lauryn McGeever, RN, BSN, PCCN, CBCN
484.476.6755 | mcgeeverl@mlhs.org
Kathy O'Doherty, RN, BSN, OCN
(Lung, Oncology Outreach)
484.476.2680 | odohertyk@mlhs.org
Paoli Hospital
Monica Dipiero, RN, BSN, CRRN, CBCN
(Breast, Gastrointestinal)
484.565.1659 | dipierom@mlhs.org
Kim Nicolazzo, RN-BC, BSN
(Breast, Gynecologic, Lung)
484.565.1054 | nicolazzok@mlhs.org
Maryanne Thiel, RN, MSN, OCN
(Medical Oncology)
484.565.1660 | thielm@mlhs.org
Meghan Walker, RN, MSN, CBCN
484.565.1461 | walkerm-04@mlhs.org
Bryn Mawr Hospital
Barbara Daulerio, RN, BSN, OCN,
484.337.8989 | dauleriob@mlhs.org
Megan Heistand, RN, BSN, CBCN
484.337.8744 | heistandm2@mlhs.org
Maria Hess, RN, BSN, OCN
484.337.3853 | hessm@mlhs.org
Tara Sweeney, RN, BSN, OCN, CHPN
(Breast, General)
484.337.8775 | sweeneyta@mlhs.org
Mary Jo Verzella, RN, BSN, CBCN
484.337.8710 | verzellam@mlhs.org
Riddle Hospital
Elise Mentz, RN, BSN, CMSRN, OCN
484.227.4482 | mentze@mlhs.org
Lindsay Zebley, RN, MSN, CBCN (Breast)
484.227.3325 | zebleyl@mlhs.org