Men's health in your 30s

Men's Health
Candid portrait of early 30s man standing outdoors

Your thirties can seem like an extension of your carefree twenties, where anything is possible. However, it's important to use this time wisely and establish a strong foundation for a healthy future. The first step towards achieving this goal is finding a primary care provider you trust. This provider will guide you towards making informed decisions that will set you up for success in your later years.

It's also important to have an open dialogue with your primary care doctor about your family's medical history, particularly regarding heart disease and cancer. This discussion will help identify any potential risk factors and ensure that you receive early screenings for conditions that run in your family. By taking proactive measures and staying ahead of these conditions, you can safeguard your health and well-being for years to come.

Dr. Ameer Ajaj, a primary care doctor at Main Line Health, shares advice for this stage in a man's life. Watch the video for more, featuring the story of how one man's regular checkup discovered a nodule on his thyroid.

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