Philadelphia Goes Red for Women

Heart Health
Women's Health
Woman holding her hands in a heart shape

Working together to improve women's heart health

For more than two decades, Main Line Health has served as the American Heart Association's Philadelphia Goes Red for Women sponsor. Through Go Red for Women, Main Line Health and the American Heart Association (AHA) are committed to unlocking new strategies—grounded in science—that provide women with the resources and tools they need to live a heart healthy lifestyle at every age.

The American Heart Association and Main Line Health are uniquely positioned to provide women with new strategies and solutions that empower them to have longer, healthier lives. Go Red and Main Line Health remain focused on emerging areas of research that may influence a woman's risk for heart disease and stroke including maternal health, mental well-being, COVID-19, equal representation in clinical trials and the social determinants of health. As we look ahead, we work to ensure that all women are aware, are empowered and are provided with equitable health care.

Over the past 17 years, Go Red for Women has funded life-saving women's research, advanced public health policy, championed closing gender gaps in research and STEM and created a platform for women to address their greatest health risk—cardiovascular disease. Go Red has had a profound impact on women's health and will continue remove the barriers women face to achieving good health and well-being and continue to be a champion for women and women's health.

Did you know?

  • Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women, claiming the lives of one in three women.
  • Black and Hispanic women are disproportionally impacted by heart disease and stroke.
  • Cardiovascular disease affects one in every two Black women compared to one in every three white women.
  • One in three Hispanic women have a form of cardiovascular or heart disease. And over 40% of Hispanic adult women age 20+ have heart disease

Red Chair Series

We understand the power of knowledge in combating heart disease. To further this mission, Main Line Health and the American Heart Association has launched The Red Chair Series—a collection of short videos designed to empower and educate. We aim to inspire women to become proactive advocates for their health, ensuring the vital message of disease management, prevention, and the importance of early cardiovascular health discussions reaches women across all ages, races, and backgrounds.

Heart Champions

Championing women's heart health is our joint mission. But the heart and soul of our mission comes from YOU! Survivors, caregivers and women of inspiration fuel our passion and we love to tell your stories.

Heart survivor stories

Check out upcoming Go Red events and learn how you can help put a stop to heart disease. Get involved and lend your voice or time no matter where you live!

Upcoming Go Red events

The Women's Heart Initiative, Main Line Health's comprehensive women's heart program is specifically dedicated to community education and awareness about women's heart care. Our goal is to empower women to Learn, Act, and Live—to help women recognize the warning signs and unique risk factors of heart disease, encourage them to have open discussions with their physicians about their heart care, and live a heart healthy life. Together we strive for a future that includes earlier detection of heart disease in women and women-centric research to help improve treatments and outcomes.

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