Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital donor spotlight: Gale Oates

Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital Foundation
Donor Spotlight

Gale Oates works in Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital as the manager of outpatient therapy, and she shared the following with us after donating to Bryn Mawr Rehab during the Employee Giving Campaign.
My decision came from seeing the impact the patient support fund specifically has on patients getting the equipment and care that they need and to be able to help someone who might not have the means otherwise. Knowing that a contribution from me could make a big difference someone's steps in recovery is inspiring.

As a manager I often request funds to assist in supporting our department to provide the best tools and equipment for staff. Philanthropy funds can assist in small and large purchases that make such an impact on the diversity and extraordinary level of best practice care we provide daily. Our clinicians are so skilled, being able to provide new equipment through philanthropic fund assistance gives them the tools to take their patients recovery experience to the next level. The assistance the funds provided in opening our new gym space was monumental in giving us more space to provide treatment and to be able to be a part of this in a little way is meaningful to me. Our team works so hard every day we want them to have the tools they need, and the patients experience here to be positive in all ways.

I decided to designate my gift to towards the Patient Support Fund because I have the honor to sit in quarterly meetings and see what these funds have been able to directly impact for patients, from outside of the box support to assistance in obtaining adaptive equipment for driving these funds go a long way in patients meeting their goals. The importance of sustaining this fund to be able to continue to impact patients' lives in this way is extremely important so if I can put a drop in the hat to make it happen, I am happy to do so.

I believe that Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital is unique and special compared to other healthcare institutions because of the people at BMRH. From the passion of the therapists to the administrative support everyone is in it for the fundamental reason of healing and helping patients succeed. The team build each other up daily, collaborate to provide the best care, and truly care about the outcome of their patients. The leaders here strive to balance making sure patients and employees are happy and engaged while achieving quality and fiscal goals are met daily and not just for surveys and metrics but because they truly care.

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